

Company Events

Revival of Drive-In Theater Boosts LED Display Business

Revival of Drive-In Theater Boosts LED Display Business

Once you use a LED display, you can clearly see that the screen is brighter and the sound is more realistic when watching a movie.

Premteco--Not to Be Missed at LED China 2020-Shenzhen

Premteco--Not to Be Missed at LED China 2020-Shenzhen

Premteco LED brought the latest products for rental markets and fixed installations.

LED display control System

LED display control System

LED display control system is mainly responsible for receiving the picture and video display information from the computer serial port or DVI interface

Transparent LED Display---New Favorite LED Display Medium

Transparent LED Display---New Favorite LED Display Medium

Transparent LED screen is born with the trend and stand out from multitudinous LED display screens


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