What Is a LCD Screen?

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    A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat-panel display or other electronically modulated optical device that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals combined with polarizers. Unlike LED display, liquid crystals do not emit light directly, instead it using a backlight or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome. 

    Its working principle is easy to understand: a polarizing glass filter is placed in front and behind all the pixels, the front filter is placed at 90 degrees. In between both filters are the liquid crystals, which can be electronically switched on and off. LCDs can either be normally on (positive) or off (negative), depending on the polarizer arrangement. For example, a character positive LCD with a backlight will have black lettering on a background that is the color of the backlight, and a character negative LCD will have a black background with the letters being of the same color as the backlight. Optical filters are added to white on blue LCDs to give them their characteristic appearance.

    Some features of LCD help you have a better understanding of it.

    Lower power consumption: since LCD screens don't use phosphors, they rarely suffer image burn-in when a static image is displayed on a screen for a long time, e.g., the table frame for an airline flight schedule on an indoor sign. The LCD screen is more energy-efficient and can be disposed of more safely than a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)can. Its low electrical power consumption enables it to be used in battery-powered electronic equipment more efficiently than a CRT can be. And due to its low power consumption, little heat would be emitted during operation.

    It can be made with very narrow frame borders, allowing multiple LCD screens to be arrayed side by side to make up what looks like one big screen.

    Usually no refresh-rate flicker, because the LCD pixels hold their state between refreshes (which are usually done at 200 Hz or faster, regardless of the input refresh rate).

    Sharp image with no bleeding or smearing when operated at native resolution.

    Brightness and contrast ratio: contrast ratio is the ratio of the brightness of a full-on pixel to a full-off pixel. The LCD itself is only a light valve and does not generate light; the light comes from a backlight that is either fluorescent or a set of LEDs. Brightness is usually stated as the maximum light output of the LCD, which can vary greatly based on the transparency of the LCD and the brightness of the backlight. Brighter backlight allows stronger contrast and higher dynamic range (HDR displays are graded in peak luminance).

    Premteco has built up an outstanding reputation in the industry by supplying consistent and reliable LED display products, which allow you to build a strong brand image, and catch the attention of new potential customers. Meanwhile, we keep updating advanced facilities and technologies. If you have any inquiries about the LCD screen, please contact us immediately.


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